Blog Archive – Page 23 of 27 – Think Patented

Balancing Innovation with Traditional Technologies

There’s an unhealthy obsession today with ‘disruption’ that has been cultivated by the champions of innovation and that obsession deserves some criticism.

This outsized attention on innovation and shiny new objects from the mainstream media and advertisers continues to shape …

Fulfill Your Dreams

As we approach the end of 2021, most business leaders evaluate past business performance and set their sights on the upcoming new year. They ask, how can we improve our operations and reduce costs in the coming year? More than …

Marketing in a World of Uncertainty

Given the overwhelming anxiety and fear that we’ve felt over the last year and a half, it is no wonder that there is a bit of reticence these days. We have some hesitancy about moving forward, mostly due to an …

Planning Has Become Critical

You’ve heard about the importance of planning ahead, probably your entire life. From getting your homework finished, to submitting that class paper on time, to hitting every deadline your manager gives you, attention to planning has always been and is …

How Important is a Website to Your Business?

In 2021, there are over 4.6 billion internet users and over 1.8 billion websites. These impressive statistics drive home the point that websites are critical to the success of your business. You need to attract and engage this growing base …

Enrollment Challenges? Try Omnichannel Marketing

Most colleges and universities are facing a beleaguering challenge of identifying and communicating with potential students to increase enrollment levels. The traditional marketing approaches are not delivering the results they once did. But with so many new marketing options available, …