New PrintReleaf™ Partnership

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It all happens here!

We integrate the latest printing technologies with a range of other services and integrated solutions, providing you with unparalleled marketing options that will keep you ahead of the curve — and ahead of your competitors. You have unique demands. We have unique solutions.

Let's work together

Unique solutions for unique demands.

The Think Patented way.

Printing has been our core business since 1979. But we can deploy your marketing initiatives across many communications channels, giving your marketing efforts a much broader, more effective platform. Our 122,000 sq. ft. Miamisburg facility located minutes from downtown Dayton, and an additional 43,000 sq. ft. kit packing facility are in the heart of one of the nation's largest 90-minute land and air travel markets. We believe our way can be your way to greater success.

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Partnering with you.
And with the world.

We are changing the landscape of marketing communications. But we are also preserving the natural landscape that we all share. Think Patented strives to use Eco Friendly Papers that are produced from sustainable and/or recycled resources. We actively participate in recycling and conservation initiatives sponsored by our vendors and community. Plus we have established strong green programs within our company.

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The Noodle

The Noodle is a bimonthly vehicle with articles devoted to marketing, marketing services, and strategic concepts for marketers.

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I can give Think Patented any project, relax and know it will be completed at a high level of quality, on time and on budget.


Think Patented has provided Teradata the technology and expertise that enables us to communicate more effectively with our customers.

Teradata Corporation

TP professionals have worked closely with me and taken the time necessary to get to know the college, its challenges and opportunities.

Edison Community College

Think Patented truly cares about building and maintaining customer relationships and making each project a joint partnership.


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