Blog Archive – Page 17 of 27 – Think Patented

The Sustainability Journey

What are printers doing to optimize the sustainability journey and ensure that their operation is environmentally friendly? The answer is much more impressive than you realize. Leading printers have long embraced sustainability throughout their production process.

For example, Think Patented …

What Influences B2B Purchasing Decisions?

The B2B market is a lucrative one but it is a solution-based selling opportunity. You must define their current needs and offer reasonably priced collateral, products, marketing solutions, and more. B2B managers are very busy. You must attract their attention …

Interactive Print Technologies Engage the Senses

Print capabilities have advanced right alongside technology advancements, and both have recognized the effectiveness of working together. Whenever a new technology hits the marketplace, many declare the demise of the previous technology. This has happened with physical print and digital …

The Power of Digital Packaging

Marketers are increasingly under pressure to prove the effectiveness of each component of their marketing spend. Analysis of successful case studies in the World Advertising Research Center (WARC) database shows that digital packaging can be an unsung hero of the …

Where the Marketing Magic Lives

According to Dr. Peter Prevos, “A search in the American trademark register reveals more than three thousand entries that use the word magic. Using the word magic in the branding of goods and services taps directly into the almost universal …

Stepping Out of Your Marketing Comfort Zone

Let’s talk milk for a minute. There is such a variety such as skim, 2%, whole, almond, soy and even more options I cannot remember. Such a variety of channels with each vying for your attention and brand preference. Let’s …