Are you currently using QR codes on your direct mail pieces, company literature, or signage? If not, you should be. QR codes are being used nearly everywhere these days. A good example: gone are printed menus, they are being replaced …
What marketer today is not under significant budget constraints as they plan for 2023? Marketers are challenged to do more with less money, yet your company needs an increased level of new prospective leads. And let’s not overlook the need …
It’s that time of year again. Although some may not consider trade shows to be a “season,” they are still very much a part of many company marketing strategies. If you’re going to make an impression at your next tradeshow, …
It is probably employee recruitment and retention. These continue to be topics of interest and concern for most businesses. Your business may be no exception. You have most likely read several articles, some declaring that employment issues have subsided, some …
2022 has been a good year for business, team, and client growth, and we look optimistically for MORE in 2023. We are proud to share our new video that really shows how Think Patented is MORE … MORE Than Just
Direct Mail Retargeting is the integration of digital marketing and direct mail, allowing you to send timely, personalized mail to customers and/or prospects who are engaging with your website. Think Patented has a proprietary method we call LeadMatch that matches …