Using Direct Mail to Exceed Budget Goals

Using Direct Mail to Exceed Budget Goals

What marketer today is not under significant budget constraints as they plan for 2023? Marketers are challenged to do more with less money, yet your company needs an increased level of new prospective leads. And let’s not overlook the need for customer retention and brand loyalty.

Most direct marketers recognize that direct mail has one of the highest response rates in the industry. Within today’s inflationary environment, postage cost has risen very little as compared to broadcast, print advertisements, trade shows, digital advertising, social media, etc.

Contrary to those who think direct mail is old fashion or out of date as a marketing tool, the Inspector General of the U.S. Postal Service compiled the following statistics that say differently:

During the Pandemic

  • 96% believed mail was important (all ages)
  • 69% checked their mail every day (all ages)

Millennials Value Mail

  • 75% feel special when receiving personal mail
  • 69% like getting mailed coupons (particularly from local restaurants)

Generation Z

  • 83% are happy when mail arrives
  • 50% enjoy receiving mailed advertisements, including catalogs and coupons

You may be considering email as an alternative to save money. But what are other large-scale direct marketers saying about direct mail versus email? Modern Postcard, for example, found that 83% of purchases are influenced by direct mail and not email. The average response rate for direct mail is between 2.7% and 4.4%, compared to email’s 0.6% response rate. (Newswire) 73% of American consumers prefer being contacted by brands via direct mail because they can read mail at their convenience, according to Moengage. Clearly, direct mail is more effective than email in generating a response and is preferred by prospects and customers.

Lob states, “common conversion-driven direct mail campaigns can be used for customer acquisition, retention, and reactivation. Here is how usage breaks out”:

  • 29% existing customer retention
  • 27% new customer acquisition
  • 22% advocacy/referrals
  • 21% reactivation or win back

These are strong statistics that can reinforce your decision to include direct mail programs in your 2023 marketing execution plan.

Other Lob statistics related to the sales funnel:

  • 95% said increasing customer retention by 5% increases profits by 25% to 95%
  • 76% of consumers trust ads they receive in the mail
  • 53% of consumers report using an ad blocker to avoid digital ads
  • 44% said for brands they do not know, direct mail is the preferred channel of communication

Here are some published statistics on response rates:


The strongest marketing plan will look at combining direct mail with a digital solution to optimize response rates.

Mail360 is an advanced marketing-based solution that connects your direct mail with your target audience. A Mail360 campaign will connect your direct mail, social media, and digital marketing for better campaign performance and a positive ROI for your investment. It enhances your campaign results through the integration of digital platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram. Mail360 is offered by Think Patented.

To learn more about the benefits of using direct mail and Mail360 to exceed your marketing budget goals and inquire as to ways to optimize response rates, contact your Think Patented account executive or call 937.353.2299.