It’s Tradeshow Season. Are You Ready?

It’s Tradeshow Season. Are You Ready?

It’s that time of year again. Although some may not consider trade shows to be a “season,” they are still very much a part of many company marketing strategies. If you’re going to make an impression at your next tradeshow, you’ll want to put some thought into what makes your brand stand out from the crowd. For many consumers, there is nothing more exciting than attending a tradeshow where they can experience all sorts of new products and services in one place!

It takes an average of 7 times for your target to see your message.
If you’re looking for a way to get your target audience’s attention, the first rule of thumb is that it takes an average of seven times for your message to be seen before they will respond. That means if you can increase the number of times your target sees your message, they have a greater chance of responding.

The more times that someone sees your message, the better chance you have at getting them to respond and take action. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Send out email newsletters regularly
  • Include links in blog posts and social media posts so people can find out more about what you offer and how they can contact you
  • Use a multi-channel campaign like Mail360 from Think Patented.

Tradeshows are the best way to engage with multiple prospects in one location at one time.
They’re also a great way to build relationships with your customers and get exposure for your business.

A face-to-face meeting has a much higher ROI than most other marketing methods.
More than 90% of people say they would buy from a company they have met in person.

The more senses you engage, the greater the impact.
The best way to engage people is through all five senses. Think about how you experience a trade show: you see displays, you hear the music, maybe there’s a scent wafting in from somewhere, or perhaps you taste something at one of the food stations. What if your booth could make all those things happen?

A theme or story can be a great way to draw people in and make them want to learn more about what you have to offer. A theme will also help set expectations for the kind of experience they’ll have at your booth. For example, if it’s for an outdoor sporting equipment company, adding elements like bright colors and smells associated with nature (like pine) will immediately set up expectations that this will be an outdoorsy space—and then highlight how your products fit into that lifestyle.

Use direct mail.
Direct mail is one of the most effective marketing tools you can use to introduce your product or service to a targeted audience. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • It’s affordable, especially when compared to other forms of advertising like print or TV ads.
  • You can easily reach an entire market by using direct mail, even if they’re spread throughout the country or even around the world.
  • Direct mail allows you to establish a relationship with your target audience before they’ve had any first-hand contact with your business—add an incentive for them to visit you at your booth.

Direct mail also has other benefits that make it an effective tool for creating brand awareness. With a Think Patented Mail360 campaign, you can get the results you are looking for. Review this case study to see an example of results:

Making your tradeshow presence spectacular creates a lasting impression and sets you apart from the competition.
There are a lot of reasons to go to trade shows, but one of the most important is to make an impression on attendees and get them excited about your company. If you want people to remember you, it’s crucial that they walk into your booth and experience something amazing. There are several ways that you can do this:

  • Make sure your booth is easy for people to find
  • Make sure it’s visible
  • Incorporate an interactive element into the design (this could be anything from an interactive game station to a photo booth)
  • Keep things fresh! Don’t rest on what worked last year—keep changing up the design, theme, and décor to stay ahead of trends.
  • Check out some of the impactful booths we created:

If you’re ready to start planning your tradeshow presence for 2023, we can help. We have a team of experts that can assist you in creating an amazing experience for your attendees and customers at every trade show, from booth design and production to promotional goods, direct mail, and collateral.

To learn more about the benefits of using direct mail and Mail360 or for other tradeshow needs, contact your Think Patented account executive or call 937.353.2299.