Blog Archive – Page 19 of 27 – Think Patented

Five Step Plan to Content Marketing

All marketers are talking about “content” these days. It can be the number one means of communicating with prospects and customers to inform or reinforce your brand. I say it “can” be because not all companies are doing a good …

Reduce Postage Costs by 2-3%

The United States Postal System (USPS) is offering brands the opportunity to reduce postage costs by 2-3% with the Emerging and Advanced Technology Promotion. This promotion runs between March 1 and August 31, 2022. This promotion will help businesses offset

Winning the War for Talent

We have all heard of the Great Resignation impacting most businesses today. Your business is most likely no exception. According to Adrienne Altman, managing director and North American head of rewards at Willis Towers Watson, “Employers are in the middle …

Benefits and Challenges of Personalized Marketing

Personalized marketing is more than a current marketing trend. It’s a proven tactic that is driving increased responses from target audiences and contributing to higher conversion rates.

Personalized marketing uses data to deliver more relevant messages to your target audience. …

Ideas for Managing Your Marketing Supply Chain

Every business is experiencing supply chain issues that are impacting business growth. Marketing is no exception. Managing your marketing supply chain ensures sustainability for your marketing campaigns.

The ability to source and manage the components of a marketing campaign are …