What About the Other Senses?

What About the Other Senses?

Sensory marketing is an advertising strategy intended to appeal to one or more of the five human senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. I have already covered the sense of smell in the August 24, 2021 blog post. Inquiries regarding the other four senses prompted this follow-up blog post. All of the remaining senses have an impact on the buying decision as described below.

Sight & Color in Marketing

Create a memorable “sight experience” for consumers by using your brand’s identity for print advertising, packaging, custom signage, and office/store interiors. Sight is the most prominent of all human senses, with the eyes containing two- thirds of all the sensory cells in a human body.

Did you know? Research shows that up to 90% of all snap buying decisions are based on the colors of products or branding alone.

Sound in Marketing

Sound contributes to brand awareness in much the same way that humans use speech to establish and express their identities. Sound marketing is the most commonly used sensory marketing strategy since the invention of the radio and television. Brands and retailers today spend a huge amount of money and time choosing the music, jingles, and spoken words that consumers will come to associate with their products.

Did you know? Along with sight, sound accounts for 99% of all brand information presented to consumers.

Touch in Marketing

Physically holding products can create a sense of ownership, triggering “must-have” purchase decisions. Luxury packaging increases how much customers are willing to spend on the product. The unboxing experiences of that product are proven to increase brand loyalty. Direct mail can connect consumers to a sensory aspect by using unique paper texture and visual design.

Did you know? Forming that authentic personal connection is largely attributed to sensory aspects such as design, smell, and texture.

Taste in Marketing

Taste is considered the most intimate of the senses, mainly because flavors cannot be tasted from a distance. Taste is also considered the hardest sense to cater to because it differs so widely from person to person. Despite the difficulties of generating mass “taste appeal” it has been widely proven to help with retail sales. That’s why grocery stores pass out food samples to help sell products. And why a box of chocolates makes the best corporate gift.

Did you know? Researchers have found that our individual taste preferences are 78% dependent on our genes.