Protecting Your Business With Marketing

Protecting Your Business With Marketing

When you plan any marketing strategy, always start by determining who the ideal customer is. Once you know that, you can determine the “where” and “how” those people connect. By taking a business consulting approach, you will be better able to understand your business, internal abilities, processes, time, budgets, and how your audiences want to be engaged.

Taking this approach allows all marketers the ability to provide marketing strategies and plans that have a long-term, intentional approach to drive business results. Building this trust helps create an emotional connection between the business and the customer.

Jumping too soon into tactics can be canned and impersonal, things that customers recognize immediately. We must strive to do what is right for our customers, stakeholders, employees, and the bottom line. It is about the relationships, quality over quantity. We must be in the business of building relationships. Researching the consumer base is one of the most critical steps any brand can take.

Omnichannel marketing has challenged us all to provide a seamless customer experience across channels and mediums.  A disjointed or conflicting message about the brand in one channel may cause confusion about the authentic nature of the brand story. Consumers do not want to be sold today, they want brands to educate and help them solve their problems. To be successful, you must know your competitive marketplace and consumer trends.

Have an updated profile of your target customer. Inspire them to join your journey and become part of your story. Be authentic, clear, and engaging. Brands that create an emotional connection with consumers and surprise them with superior service will win.

Keep your strategy process simple by setting attainable goals; defining your target market; establishing a clear brand identity and focusing on consistency. A marketing strategy is not a collection of tactics—it is a well-thought out, strategic plan that clarifies your target market and audience, articulates your core messaging, and explains how that messaging will be integrated across channels.

In its simplest form, the art of marketing is about attracting and retaining customers. To achieve this, you must build a foundation that connects a brand with its audience. Marketers must stop selling the same cookie-cutter approach. These are no longer successful.

For more information on successful marketing, contact your account executive or call 937.353.2299.